Excite. Educate. Empower.
The Southwest Initiative Foundation’s (SWIF) CORE website serves as a one-stop shop for entrepreneurs to find the resources and tools they need to help their business succeed. Whether you’re an entrepreneur thinking of starting a business, currently in business or have questions on getting out of business, CORE is for you.
Their website offers:
• Starting a Business webcasts with downloadable business plan, cash flow spreadsheet and entrepreneurial quiz
• Developing a Marketing Plan webcasts with downloadable marketing plan outline tool
• Power of the Smart Phone webcasts featuring fundamentals, business benefits and apps for smartphones
• Business tools for planning, management, growth and transition
• Programs, financing, marketing and technical assistance resources
• Inspiring stories of our region’s innovative entrepreneurs
• Links to Facebook and Twitter where entrepreneurs connect and network
• Blogs with the latest business news and happenings from throughout southwest Minnesota
Visit www.mncore.com to see how CORE can go to work for you!
800-594-9480 or 320-587-4848 or info@swifoundation.org or www.swifoundation.org