2250 E Ashmore
Montevideo, MN 56265
The work of the public works program is supervised by a director who reports to the City Manager. This program includes streets, street lights, parks, sidewalks, cemetery and the outdoor swimming pool. Staff includes the public works director, two foremen, a mechanic, six (6) full-time heavy equipment operators and one combined heavy equipment operator/pool manager position. The pool manager oversees the facility operation and maintenance during the pool season. Additional staff is hired, including lifeguards, desk attendants and concession attendants. The cemetery sexton duties are also performed by individuals in this department.
The city has 60 miles of streets, 8.5 miles of alleys and 5.5 miles of storm sewers. Maintenance activities include patching, crackfilling and seal coating bituminous streets; repairing sidewalks, stairs and curbs; removal of snow and ice from all city streets, parking lots, alleys and bridge decks; street sweeping and traffic control through signs, signals and traffic markings; and, storm sewer system repairs.
The city has more than 115 acres of parks - all of which are maintained through this program. Activities include the overall maintenance and upkeep of this park acreage, as well as maintenance of ice skating facilities, play equipment and other park facilities and buildings. Other activities include the removal of diseased trees and the replacement of these trees. Maintenance within Sunset Memorial Cemetery includes grass mowing, tree and shrub trimming and grave site preparation. Other cemetery functions include land sales, mapping and records management.